I have recently been thinking once again about how to continuously drive quality through improvements availability, securability and predictability in order to meet the needs and high expectations of developers and customers.
Getting Strategic - One of many roles of an Architect
October 21, 2020
Since taking on my new role a number of folks have been pinging me to say congratulations (and thank you for that!
A Strategy and Proposal for Assessing Cloud Service Readiness
October 11, 2020
Throughout my career I have been held accountable for the maturity and quality of code deployed into production. When I was first coming out of school this was fairly easy to assess (did the code I write ever cause a problem and when it did learn from it).
Innovating outside the box
October 10, 2020
It has been a while since I last posted. There are a number of reasons for this including recently making the decision to take on a new role as CTO at Twilio.
Driving Ownership
June 23, 2020
By the end of this article I hope that as the reader you agree with me on the connection between the following three terms:
Maintaining our Technology Garden
June 21, 2020
I have worked in organizations of many different shapes and sizes. Some as small as just myself, in startups including tens of engineers and still others that have included tens of thousands of engineers.
Learning from Failures or Successes?
June 7, 2020
As I, like many, are learning how to change their work style (and work life balance) while functioning from home, helping to school my kids at home, it got me thinking a little bit about what to optimize, favor, and focus on.